Namaz timetable for San Diego
If you want to perform prayers at the right time, this page will help you with that. You will find out when it is the appropriate Salah time in San Diego , California , United States — you can check prayer times for your coordinates (32.7157363891602, -117.161087036133) while on the go. The exact time is calculated based on the position of the Sun in the sky. You can easily change your location using the search bar above.
Prayer Time schedule for San Diego, United States for October 2024
Fajr | Shuruq | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha | |
01 | 5:21 am | 6:43 am | 12:38 pm | 4:00 pm | 6:32 pm | 7:49 pm |
02 | 5:22 am | 6:44 am | 12:38 pm | 3:59 pm | 6:31 pm | 7:48 pm |
03 | 5:23 am | 6:45 am | 12:37 pm | 3:58 pm | 6:30 pm | 7:47 pm |
04 | 5:23 am | 6:45 am | 12:37 pm | 3:58 pm | 6:28 pm | 7:45 pm |
05 | 5:24 am | 6:46 am | 12:37 pm | 3:57 pm | 6:27 pm | 7:44 pm |
06 | 5:25 am | 6:47 am | 12:37 pm | 3:56 pm | 6:26 pm | 7:43 pm |
07 | 5:26 am | 6:47 am | 12:36 pm | 3:55 pm | 6:25 pm | 7:42 pm |
08 | 5:26 am | 6:48 am | 12:36 pm | 3:54 pm | 6:23 pm | 7:40 pm |
09 | 5:27 am | 6:49 am | 12:36 pm | 3:53 pm | 6:22 pm | 7:39 pm |
10 | 5:28 am | 6:49 am | 12:35 pm | 3:52 pm | 6:21 pm | 7:38 pm |
11 | 5:28 am | 6:50 am | 12:35 pm | 3:51 pm | 6:20 pm | 7:37 pm |
12 | 5:29 am | 6:51 am | 12:35 pm | 3:50 pm | 6:18 pm | 7:36 pm |
13 | 5:30 am | 6:52 am | 12:35 pm | 3:50 pm | 6:17 pm | 7:34 pm |
14 | 5:30 am | 6:52 am | 12:34 pm | 3:49 pm | 6:16 pm | 7:33 pm |
15 | 5:31 am | 6:53 am | 12:34 pm | 3:48 pm | 6:15 pm | 7:32 pm |
16 | 5:32 am | 6:54 am | 12:34 pm | 3:47 pm | 6:14 pm | 7:31 pm |
17 | 5:33 am | 6:55 am | 12:34 pm | 3:46 pm | 6:12 pm | 7:30 pm |
18 | 5:33 am | 6:55 am | 12:34 pm | 3:45 pm | 6:11 pm | 7:29 pm |
19 | 5:34 am | 6:56 am | 12:33 pm | 3:44 pm | 6:10 pm | 7:28 pm |
20 | 5:35 am | 6:57 am | 12:33 pm | 3:44 pm | 6:09 pm | 7:27 pm |
21 | 5:35 am | 6:58 am | 12:33 pm | 3:43 pm | 6:08 pm | 7:26 pm |
22 | 5:36 am | 6:59 am | 12:33 pm | 3:42 pm | 6:07 pm | 7:25 pm |
23 | 5:37 am | 6:59 am | 12:33 pm | 3:41 pm | 6:06 pm | 7:24 pm |
24 | 5:38 am | 7:00 am | 12:33 pm | 3:40 pm | 6:05 pm | 7:23 pm |
25 | 5:38 am | 7:01 am | 12:33 pm | 3:40 pm | 6:04 pm | 7:22 pm |
26 | 5:39 am | 7:02 am | 12:33 pm | 3:39 pm | 6:03 pm | 7:21 pm |
27 | 5:40 am | 7:03 am | 12:32 pm | 3:38 pm | 6:02 pm | 7:20 pm |
28 | 5:40 am | 7:03 am | 12:32 pm | 3:37 pm | 6:01 pm | 7:19 pm |
29 | 5:41 am | 7:04 am | 12:32 pm | 3:37 pm | 6:00 pm | 7:18 pm |
30 | 5:42 am | 7:05 am | 12:32 pm | 3:36 pm | 5:59 pm | 7:17 pm |
31 | 5:43 am | 7:06 am | 12:32 pm | 3:35 pm | 5:58 pm | 7:17 pm |
San Diego Prayer Timings – Today Namaz (Salat) Salah
San Diego (California, USA) prayer times. Get Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha prayer times in either daily, weekly, monthly or yearly calendar formats. Today San Diego Prayer Timings on any location in the San Diego, United States. Find updated Fajar (Fajr), Dhuhur, Asr, Maghrib, Isha.
San Diego Prayer Timings, Fajar (Fajr), Zuhr (dhuhr), Asr, Maghrib namaz timing in San Diego.
Islam is a religion of peace and submission to the will of Allah, the Almighty. It is one of the fastest-growing religions in the world, and San Diego, located in the southernmost part of California, is home to a thriving Muslim community. With a population of over 3 million people, San Diego has a diverse population with numerous faiths and cultures living together in harmony.
Muslim Mosque addresses in the city of San Diego
1. Islamic Center of San Diego
The Islamic Center of San Diego is the largest mosque in San Diego and one of the oldest mosques in the United States. It was established in 1978 and serves the Muslim community of San Diego County. The mosque offers a wide range of services, including five daily prayers, Friday prayers, Islamic education for children and adults, counseling, and social services.
- 7050 Eckstrom Avenue, San Diego, CA 92117
- +1-(858) 278-5240
2. Masjid Al Ansar Masjid Al Ansar
Masjid Al Ansar is a mosque located in the City Heights neighborhood of San Diego. The mosque was established in 1997 and serves the Muslim community of City Heights and the surrounding areas. The mosque offers daily prayers, Friday prayers, Islamic education for children and adults, and social services. The address of Masjid Al Ansar is 4011 Fairmount Ave, San Diego, CA 92105. The phone number is (619) 282-7574.
3. Islamic Center of Eastlake
The Islamic Center of Eastlake is a mosque located in the Eastlake neighborhood of Chula Vista, which is a suburb of San Diego. The mosque was established in 2004 and serves the Muslim community of Chula Vista and the surrounding areas. The mosque offers daily prayers, Friday prayers, Islamic education for children and adults, and social services. The address of the Islamic Center of Eastlake is 2060 Olympic Pkwy, Chula Vista, CA 91915. The phone number is (619) 656-2258.
4. Masjid Bilal Ibn Rabah
Masjid Bilal Ibn Rabah is a mosque located in the Skyline neighborhood of San Diego. The mosque was established in 1992 and serves the Muslim community of Skyline and the surrounding areas. The mosque offers daily prayers, Friday prayers, Islamic education for children and adults, and social services. The address of Masjid Bilal Ibn Rabah is 4017 Marlborough Ave, San Diego, CA 92105. The phone number is (619) 262-2025.
5. Islamic Center of San Diego
5. Islamic Center of San Diego – La Jolla The Islamic Center of San Diego – La Jolla is a mosque located in the La Jolla neighborhood of San Diego. The mosque was established in 2006 and serves the Muslim community of La Jolla and the surrounding areas. The mosque offers daily prayers, Friday prayers, Islamic education for children and adults, and social services. The address of the Islamic Center of San Diego – La Jolla is 7715 Draper Ave, La Jolla, CA 92037. The phone number is (858) 454-2628.
6. Masjid Ar-Rribat Al-Islami
- 7173 Saranac Street, San Diego, CA 92115
- +1-619-589-6200
In conclusion, San Diego is home to several mosques where Muslims can perform their Namaz and fulfill their religious duties. These mosques offer a wide range of services, including daily prayers, Friday prayers, Islamic education, and social services. The addresses and phone numbers of these mosques are readily available to the public and can be accessed online or by contacting the mosques directly.
Halal food in the city of San Diego
Addresses and phone numbers of halal restaurants. Where to find a halal restaurant in the city of San Diego?
Muqadas Catering:
- 11261 Camino Ruiz, San Diego, CA, USA, 92126-4601
- +1-858-275-4865
Fifth Avenue Grill:
- 1556 Fifth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101
- +1-(619) 230-1001
Frequently Asked Questions about Prayer, Salah and Adhan times
What is the time of Fajr (Dawn) prayer in San Diego today?
What are the Namaz (Prayer, Salah) times in San Diego today?
- Fajr prayer (Dawn): 5:28 am - 6:50 am
- Dhuhr salah (Midday): 12:35 pm - 3:51 pm
- Asr namaz (Afternoon): 3:51 pm - 6:20 pm
- Maghrib salah (Sunset): 6:20 pm - 7:37 pm
- Isha prayer (Night): 7:37 pm - 5:28 am
What time does the Adhan (Azan) call start in San Diego today?
- Fajr namaz - 5:28 am
- Dhuhr prayer - 12:35 pm
- Asr salah - 3:51 pm
- Maghrib prayer - 6:20 pm
- Isha salah - 7:37 pm