Today: December 5, 2024, 2:11 am

Islamic Prayer Times in Faisalabad, Pakistan

Calculation Method: University Of Islamic Sciences, Karachi, Juristic settings: Hanafi
Change Calculation Settings
5:26 am
6:52 am
11:58 am
3:27 pm
5:04 pm
6:31 pm
The upcoming prayer is Fajr: 08:15

Namaz timetable for Faisalabad

If you want to perform prayers at the right time, this page will help you with that. You will find out when it is the appropriate Salah time in Faisalabad , Pakistan Pakistan — you can check prayer times for your coordinates (31.4187145233154, 73.0791091918945) while on the go. The exact time is calculated based on the position of the Sun in the sky. You can easily change your location using the search bar above.

Prayer Time schedule for Faisalabad, Pakistan for December 2024

Fajr Shuruq Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
01 5:23 am 6:49 am 11:57 am 3:27 pm 5:04 pm 6:30 pm
02 5:24 am 6:50 am 11:57 am 3:27 pm 5:04 pm 6:30 pm
03 5:25 am 6:51 am 11:58 am 3:27 pm 5:04 pm 6:30 pm
04 5:25 am 6:51 am 11:58 am 3:27 pm 5:04 pm 6:30 pm
05 5:26 am 6:52 am 11:58 am 3:27 pm 5:04 pm 6:31 pm
06 5:27 am 6:53 am 11:59 am 3:27 pm 5:04 pm 6:31 pm
07 5:27 am 6:54 am 11:59 am 3:27 pm 5:05 pm 6:31 pm
08 5:28 am 6:55 am 12:00 pm 3:27 pm 5:05 pm 6:31 pm
09 5:29 am 6:55 am 12:00 pm 3:28 pm 5:05 pm 6:31 pm
10 5:29 am 6:56 am 12:01 pm 3:28 pm 5:05 pm 6:32 pm
11 5:30 am 6:57 am 12:01 pm 3:28 pm 5:05 pm 6:32 pm
12 5:31 am 6:57 am 12:02 pm 3:28 pm 5:06 pm 6:32 pm
13 5:31 am 6:58 am 12:02 pm 3:29 pm 5:06 pm 6:32 pm
14 5:32 am 6:59 am 12:02 pm 3:29 pm 5:06 pm 6:33 pm
15 5:33 am 6:59 am 12:03 pm 3:29 pm 5:06 pm 6:33 pm
16 5:33 am 7:00 am 12:03 pm 3:30 pm 5:07 pm 6:34 pm
17 5:34 am 7:01 am 12:04 pm 3:30 pm 5:07 pm 6:34 pm
18 5:34 am 7:01 am 12:04 pm 3:30 pm 5:08 pm 6:34 pm
19 5:35 am 7:02 am 12:05 pm 3:31 pm 5:08 pm 6:35 pm
20 5:35 am 7:02 am 12:05 pm 3:31 pm 5:09 pm 6:35 pm
21 5:36 am 7:03 am 12:06 pm 3:32 pm 5:09 pm 6:36 pm
22 5:36 am 7:03 am 12:06 pm 3:32 pm 5:10 pm 6:36 pm
23 5:37 am 7:04 am 12:07 pm 3:33 pm 5:10 pm 6:37 pm
24 5:37 am 7:04 am 12:07 pm 3:33 pm 5:11 pm 6:37 pm
25 5:38 am 7:05 am 12:08 pm 3:34 pm 5:11 pm 6:38 pm
26 5:38 am 7:05 am 12:08 pm 3:34 pm 5:12 pm 6:39 pm
27 5:39 am 7:05 am 12:09 pm 3:35 pm 5:12 pm 6:39 pm
28 5:39 am 7:06 am 12:09 pm 3:36 pm 5:13 pm 6:40 pm
29 5:39 am 7:06 am 12:10 pm 3:36 pm 5:14 pm 6:40 pm
30 5:40 am 7:06 am 12:10 pm 3:37 pm 5:14 pm 6:41 pm
31 5:40 am 7:07 am 12:11 pm 3:38 pm 5:15 pm 6:42 pm

Namaz and Salah Times in Faisalabad

Islam is the predominant religion in Pakistan, and Faisalabad is no exception. Muslims living in Faisalabad consider prayer as an integral part of their daily lives. Namaz (or prayer) is one of the five pillars of Islam and is mandatory for all Muslims. Islamic prayer times in Faisalabad follow the same schedule as in other parts of the world, which is based on the movement of the sun.

The five daily prayers include Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha. Fajr is the predawn prayer, which is performed before the sunrise. Dhuhr is the midday prayer, while Asr is the afternoon prayer. Maghrib is performed after the sunset, and Isha is the night prayer. Muslims in Faisalabad follow the prayer timetable and perform the five daily prayers at their respective times.

In addition to the five daily prayers, Muslims in Faisalabad also perform Jummah (Friday) prayers, which are conducted in the mosques. Muslims gather in large numbers to offer the Jummah prayer, which is an important weekly prayer. On this day, people dress up in their best clothes and listen to the sermon (khutbah) delivered by the Imam (religious leader).

Ramadan is a holy month in the Islamic calendar, which is observed by Muslims worldwide. During this month, Muslims fast from dawn until sunset and perform the Taraweeh prayer after the Isha prayer. The Taraweeh prayer is a special prayer that consists of 20 rakats (units of prayer), which is performed in congregation. Muslims in Faisalabad actively participate in Ramadan and perform all the religious duties that are associated with this holy month.

Moreover, Muslims in Faisalabad also perform Eid prayers, which are conducted on the first day of the Islamic month of Shawwal. This day marks the end of the month-long fasting of Ramadan. Muslims gather in large numbers to offer the Eid prayer, which is conducted in an open space or a large mosque. After the prayer, people greet each other and exchange gifts, which is a tradition followed by Muslims worldwide.

In conclusion, Muslims in Faisalabad take their religious practices seriously and consider prayer as a way to connect with their Creator. They follow the Islamic prayer times and perform all the religious duties that are required of them. The city has numerous mosques that cater to the religious needs of the people, and the community is tightly knit. The Islamic values and traditions are deeply rooted in the society, and people take pride in following their religious practices.

Prayer Times in Faisalabad

Frequently Asked Questions about Prayer, Salah and Adhan times

What is the time of Fajr (Dawn) prayer in Faisalabad today?

The Fajr Salah in Faisalabad today starts at 5:26 am and ends at 6:52 am.

What are the Namaz (Prayer, Salah) times in Faisalabad today?

  • Fajr prayer (Dawn): 5:26 am - 6:52 am
  • Dhuhr salah (Midday): 11:58 am - 3:27 pm
  • Asr namaz (Afternoon): 3:27 pm - 5:04 pm
  • Maghrib salah (Sunset): 5:04 pm - 6:31 pm
  • Isha prayer (Night): 6:31 pm - 5:26 am

What time does the Adhan (Azan) call start in Faisalabad today?

  • Fajr namaz - 5:26 am
  • Dhuhr prayer - 11:58 am
  • Asr salah - 3:27 pm
  • Maghrib prayer - 5:04 pm
  • Isha salah - 6:31 pm

When Dhuhr (Noon) time starts in Faisalabad today?

The Dhuhr Prayer in Faisalabad today starts at 11:58 am

What are the timings of Asr salah in Faisalabad today?

The Asr namaz today starts at 3:27 pm and lasts until 5:04 pm

What time in Faisalabad do the Maghrib starts and ends?

Maghrib salah starts at 5:04 pm and goes out at 6:31 pm

When I can pray Isha (Night) namaz in Faisalabad today:

In Faisalabad the Isha Azan will call at 6:31 pm and the allotted time for Isha prayer will expire at 5:26 am

Qibla Direction for Faisalabad, Pakistan

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