Namaz timetable for Los Angeles
If you want to perform prayers at the right time, this page will help you with that. You will find out when it is the appropriate Salah time in
Los Angeles , California , United States
— you can check prayer times for your coordinates (34.0522346496582, -118.243682861328) while on the go.
The exact time is calculated based on the position of the Sun in the sky. You can easily change your location using the search bar above.
Prayer Time schedule for Los Angeles, United States for February 2025
Fajr | Shuruq | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha | |
01 | 5:24 am | 6:50 am | 12:07 pm | 3:02 pm | 5:24 pm | 6:45 pm |
02 | 5:24 am | 6:49 am | 12:07 pm | 3:03 pm | 5:25 pm | 6:45 pm |
03 | 5:23 am | 6:48 am | 12:07 pm | 3:04 pm | 5:26 pm | 6:46 pm |
04 | 5:22 am | 6:47 am | 12:07 pm | 3:05 pm | 5:27 pm | 6:47 pm |
05 | 5:22 am | 6:47 am | 12:07 pm | 3:05 pm | 5:28 pm | 6:48 pm |
06 | 5:21 am | 6:46 am | 12:07 pm | 3:06 pm | 5:29 pm | 6:49 pm |
07 | 5:20 am | 6:45 am | 12:07 pm | 3:07 pm | 5:30 pm | 6:50 pm |
08 | 5:19 am | 6:44 am | 12:07 pm | 3:08 pm | 5:31 pm | 6:51 pm |
09 | 5:19 am | 6:43 am | 12:07 pm | 3:08 pm | 5:32 pm | 6:51 pm |
10 | 5:18 am | 6:42 am | 12:07 pm | 3:09 pm | 5:33 pm | 6:52 pm |
11 | 5:17 am | 6:41 am | 12:07 pm | 3:10 pm | 5:34 pm | 6:53 pm |
12 | 5:16 am | 6:40 am | 12:07 pm | 3:11 pm | 5:35 pm | 6:54 pm |
13 | 5:15 am | 6:39 am | 12:07 pm | 3:11 pm | 5:35 pm | 6:55 pm |
14 | 5:14 am | 6:38 am | 12:07 pm | 3:12 pm | 5:36 pm | 6:56 pm |
15 | 5:13 am | 6:37 am | 12:07 pm | 3:13 pm | 5:37 pm | 6:56 pm |
16 | 5:12 am | 6:36 am | 12:07 pm | 3:13 pm | 5:38 pm | 6:57 pm |
17 | 5:11 am | 6:35 am | 12:07 pm | 3:14 pm | 5:39 pm | 6:58 pm |
18 | 5:10 am | 6:34 am | 12:07 pm | 3:15 pm | 5:40 pm | 6:59 pm |
19 | 5:09 am | 6:33 am | 12:07 pm | 3:15 pm | 5:41 pm | 7:00 pm |
20 | 5:08 am | 6:32 am | 12:07 pm | 3:16 pm | 5:42 pm | 7:01 pm |
21 | 5:07 am | 6:31 am | 12:06 pm | 3:16 pm | 5:43 pm | 7:01 pm |
22 | 5:06 am | 6:30 am | 12:06 pm | 3:17 pm | 5:44 pm | 7:02 pm |
23 | 5:05 am | 6:28 am | 12:06 pm | 3:18 pm | 5:45 pm | 7:03 pm |
24 | 5:04 am | 6:27 am | 12:06 pm | 3:18 pm | 5:45 pm | 7:04 pm |
25 | 5:03 am | 6:26 am | 12:06 pm | 3:19 pm | 5:46 pm | 7:05 pm |
26 | 5:02 am | 6:25 am | 12:06 pm | 3:19 pm | 5:47 pm | 7:06 pm |
27 | 5:01 am | 6:24 am | 12:06 pm | 3:20 pm | 5:48 pm | 7:06 pm |
28 | 4:59 am | 6:22 am | 12:05 pm | 3:20 pm | 5:49 pm | 7:07 pm |
This page of the site will be useful for Muslims who want to find out the time of the salah today in Los Angeles, when they begin and end. The prayer schedule for the city of Los Angeles is updated every day according to the calculation method of the World Muslim League.
For every mandatory prayer, the Almighty Allah set the time of the beginning and end. As for children, the fulfillment of prayers is not necessary for them until they reach adulthood. However, it is necessary to teach the children to pray so that they begin to read their prayers regularly in accordance with the prescriptions. Therefore, children need proper education and training. It is for this reason that the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said that parents of children over the age of seven should be encouraged to recite salat (namaz), and when they reach the age of ten they should be warned about punishment in the next world.
Today’s salah time in the city of Los Angeles
The names of the Muslim fard salah:
- Zuhr;
- Asr;
- Maghrib;
- Isha;
- Fajr.
All these fardas prayers should be read at a fixed time. It is best to orientate visually and look at the sky, the sun and the moon with your own eyes.
Schedule of prayers for a month in the city of Los Angeles
Timetable for salah in Los Angeles for today, tomorrow and the month. The table provides a list of prayers with an indication of the exact time when they need to commit. It is important to perform fard salat in time so that it will be accepted by the Supreme Creator.
As soon as children reach maturity, salat becomes mandatory for them. At this stage no one has the right to force them to perform their prayers, because the prayer committed under duress will not be accepted. It should be done
voluntarily. This is a personal matter of man and God. Therefore, it is the duty of all parents to prepare their children for prayers from an early age. Moreover, it is very important that parents themselves pray and ask Almighty God that their children be included in the number of salat prayers.
The importance of prayer
Salah or prescribed prayer is mentioned in the Holy Quran as an important characteristic of a true believer. Prayer helps us to get rid of sins, brings us closer to God and to good deeds that will cleanse us.
Read what was revealed in the Qur’an, respect the prayer and read it in time. Prayer holds a person from obscenity and sheer evil.
Prayer is truly a true and proven recipe for the purity of the heart and soul. Only through salat can we establish a direct connection with Almighty Allah.
Namaz is the Islamic prayer that is performed five times a day by Muslims all over the world. It is an essential part of Muslim worship, and it is mandatory for all adult Muslims to perform this prayer regularly.
Namaz that was made at the appointed time, consciously and sincerely, never disappears. That is why it is very important that every newcomer strives towards this noble goal and always tries to read his prayers sincerely. Sincerity and humility are the essence of prayer.
Muslim Mosques in Los Angeles
Los Angeles is a city with a diverse Muslim population, and there are several mosques located throughout the city where Muslims can perform Namaz and gather for Friday prayers. Here are some of the prominent mosques in Los Angeles along with their addresses and phone numbers:
Islamic Center of Southern California
Location and contacts:
- 434 S. Vermont Ave.
- Los Angeles, CA 90020
- 213-382-9200
- 213-384-4572 (FAX)
- [email protected]
King Fahad Mosque
What is the address of the King Fahad Mosque:
- 10980 Washington Blvd
- Los Angeles, Culver City, CA 90232
- Phone: (310) 815-8155
Omar Ibn Al Khattab Mosque
Location and contacts of Omar Ibn Al Khattab Mosque:
- 6546 3rd Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90043
- Phone: (323) 751-4600
Masjid Al-Fatiha
What is the address of the Masjid Al-Fatiha:
- 1219 N La Brea Ave, Inglewood, CA 90302
- Phone: (310) 674-7467
Islamic Society of West Valley
Location and contacts of Islamic Society of West Valley:
- 7060 Owensmouth Avenue, Canoga Park, CA 91303
- Phone: (818) 346-6473
These mosques provide a safe and welcoming space for Muslims to gather and worship, and they offer educational programs, community events, and social programs for people of all ages. If you are new to the area or new to Islam, you can contact these mosques and get more information about their programs and services.
Halal Food in Los Angeles. The Halal Guys
Gyro and Chicken – American Halal Food. Location and contacts:
- 3432 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90010-2204
- +1 213-480-7738
- Halal Food in Los Angeles – The Halal Guys
Al-Watan Halal Tandoori
Not only a great place & perfect dining experience but also a prayer room.
Location and contacts:
- 13619 Inglewood Ave, Hawthorne, CA 90250-5610
- +1 310-644-6395
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh!.
Frequently Asked Questions about Prayer, Salah and Adhan times
What is the time of Fajr (Dawn) prayer in Los Angeles today?
What are the Namaz (Prayer, Salah) times in Los Angeles today?
- Fajr prayer (Dawn): 5:14 am - 6:38 am
- Dhuhr salah (Midday): 12:07 pm - 3:12 pm
- Asr namaz (Afternoon): 3:12 pm - 5:36 pm
- Maghrib salah (Sunset): 5:36 pm - 6:56 pm
- Isha prayer (Night): 6:56 pm - 5:14 am
What time does the Adhan (Azan) call start in Los Angeles today?
- Fajr namaz - 5:14 am
- Dhuhr prayer - 12:07 pm
- Asr salah - 3:12 pm
- Maghrib prayer - 5:36 pm
- Isha salah - 6:56 pm