Today: February 13, 2025, 12:44 pm

Islamic Prayer Times in Munich, Germany

Calculation Method: Muslim World League, Juristic settings: Shafii
Change Calculation Settings
5:39 am
7:24 am
The upcoming prayer is Dhuhr: 01:44
12:28 pm
3:05 pm
5:33 pm
7:12 pm

Namaz timetable for Munich (München)

If you want to perform prayers at the right time, this page will help you with that. You will find out when it is the appropriate Salah time in Munich (München) , Bavaria , Germany Germany — you can check prayer times for your coordinates (48.135124206543, 11.5819807052612) while on the go. The exact time is calculated based on the position of the Sun in the sky. You can easily change your location using the search bar above.

Prayer Time schedule for Munich (München), Germany for February 2025

Fajr Shuruq Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
01 5:54 am 7:42 am 12:27 pm 2:49 pm 5:14 pm 6:55 pm
02 5:53 am 7:40 am 12:27 pm 2:51 pm 5:15 pm 6:56 pm
03 5:52 am 7:39 am 12:27 pm 2:52 pm 5:17 pm 6:57 pm
04 5:51 am 7:37 am 12:28 pm 2:53 pm 5:18 pm 6:59 pm
05 5:50 am 7:36 am 12:28 pm 2:55 pm 5:20 pm 7:00 pm
06 5:49 am 7:35 am 12:28 pm 2:56 pm 5:22 pm 7:02 pm
07 5:47 am 7:33 am 12:28 pm 2:57 pm 5:23 pm 7:03 pm
08 5:46 am 7:32 am 12:28 pm 2:59 pm 5:25 pm 7:04 pm
09 5:45 am 7:30 am 12:28 pm 3:00 pm 5:26 pm 7:06 pm
10 5:43 am 7:28 am 12:28 pm 3:01 pm 5:28 pm 7:07 pm
11 5:42 am 7:27 am 12:28 pm 3:02 pm 5:30 pm 7:09 pm
12 5:40 am 7:25 am 12:28 pm 3:04 pm 5:31 pm 7:10 pm
13 5:39 am 7:24 am 12:28 pm 3:05 pm 5:33 pm 7:12 pm
14 5:37 am 7:22 am 12:28 pm 3:06 pm 5:35 pm 7:13 pm
15 5:36 am 7:20 am 12:28 pm 3:07 pm 5:36 pm 7:15 pm
16 5:34 am 7:19 am 12:28 pm 3:09 pm 5:38 pm 7:16 pm
17 5:33 am 7:17 am 12:28 pm 3:10 pm 5:39 pm 7:17 pm
18 5:31 am 7:15 am 12:28 pm 3:11 pm 5:41 pm 7:19 pm
19 5:29 am 7:13 am 12:27 pm 3:12 pm 5:42 pm 7:20 pm
20 5:28 am 7:11 am 12:27 pm 3:13 pm 5:44 pm 7:22 pm
21 5:26 am 7:10 am 12:27 pm 3:15 pm 5:46 pm 7:23 pm
22 5:24 am 7:08 am 12:27 pm 3:16 pm 5:47 pm 7:25 pm
23 5:22 am 7:06 am 12:27 pm 3:17 pm 5:49 pm 7:26 pm
24 5:21 am 7:04 am 12:27 pm 3:18 pm 5:50 pm 7:28 pm
25 5:19 am 7:02 am 12:27 pm 3:19 pm 5:52 pm 7:29 pm
26 5:17 am 7:00 am 12:26 pm 3:20 pm 5:53 pm 7:31 pm
27 5:15 am 6:58 am 12:26 pm 3:21 pm 5:55 pm 7:32 pm
28 5:13 am 6:57 am 12:26 pm 3:22 pm 5:57 pm 7:34 pm

About Namaz, Prayer Times and Muslims in Munich

Munich, the third largest city in Germany, has a significant Muslim population. As per 2019 statistics, Muslims make up around 9.1% of the city’s population. They come from different parts of the world, including Turkey, Morocco, Iran, and Afghanistan.

For Muslims, prayer is an essential aspect of their faith and daily routine. They are required to perform five daily prayers, known as Salah or Namaz, at specific times. These times are determined by the position of the sun and vary depending on the location. In Munich, the Islamic prayer times change every day, and Muslims rely on accurate timetables to keep track of them.

The Islamic prayer times in Munich are:

– Fajr: The pre-dawn prayer, which starts before sunrise.
– Dhuhr: The midday prayer, which starts after the sun has passed its zenith.
– Asr: The afternoon prayer, which starts when the shadow of an object is equal to its length.
– Maghrib: The evening prayer, which starts just after sunset.
– Isha: The night prayer, which starts after the twilight has disappeared.

Namaz, also known as Salah, is the obligatory prayer that Muslims perform five times a day as a way of worship and connecting with Allah. It is considered one of the five pillars of Islam and is essential for every Muslim to perform regularly.

Muslims in Munich have several mosques and prayer rooms where they can perform their daily prayers. Some of the most notable ones include the Islamic Center of Munich, the Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs, the Afghan Islamic Community, and the Iranian Islamic Center.

Apart from daily prayers, Munich’s Muslim community also celebrates significant Islamic events, such as Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. These festivals are marked with prayers, feasting, and social gatherings.

One of the most significant challenges faced by Munich’s Muslim community is the perception and treatment of Muslims in Germany. In recent years, rising Islamophobia, fueled by far-right groups, has led to incidents of discrimination, hate speech, and attacks on Muslims.

To counter these issues, Munich’s Muslim community has been actively engaged in outreach efforts to promote interfaith dialogue, community engagement, and peaceful coexistence. They organize events, such as open houses, cultural festivals, and seminars, to foster understanding and build bridges with the broader society.

In conclusion, Munich’s Muslim community is an integral part of the city’s diverse population. They practice their faith, perform their daily prayers, and celebrate their festivals while also contributing to the city’s cultural vibrancy. Despite the challenges they face, they remain resilient and committed to promoting a more inclusive and tolerant society.

Muslim Mosques in Munich

In Munich, Germany, there are several mosques where Muslims can perform their daily prayers. Here are some of the most popular mosques in the city with their addresses and phone numbers:

1. Islamic Center of Munich
Address: Schwanthalerstraße 215, 80339 München, Germany
Phone: +49 89 500 7210

The Islamic Center of Munich is one of the largest mosques in the city and is known for its stunning architecture. It offers a wide range of services, including daily prayers, Islamic classes, and community events.

2. Mosque of the Islamic Community Milli Gorus
Address: Westendstraße 26, 80339 München, Germany
Phone: +49 89 502 462

The Mosque of the Islamic Community Milli Gorus is another popular mosque in Munich. It hosts daily prayers and also offers Quranic classes for children and adults.

3. Fatih Mosque
Address: Landsberger Str. 406, 81241 München, Germany
Phone: +49 89 882 419

The Fatih Mosque is a modern mosque that offers a range of services to the Muslim community in Munich. It hosts daily prayers, Quranic classes, and also organizes community events.

4. Islamic Cultural Center Munich
Address: Schleißheimer Str. 277, 80809 München, Germany
Phone: +49 89 3585 0791

The Islamic Cultural Center Munich is a relatively new mosque that was opened in 2017. It offers daily prayers, Islamic classes, and also has a library with a range of Islamic books.

5. Mosque of the Islamic Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Address: Laimer Straße 83, 80639 München, Germany
Phone: +49 89 171 2271

The Mosque of the Islamic Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina is a beautiful mosque that hosts daily prayers and also organizes cultural events for the Bosnian and Herzegovinian community in Munich.

In conclusion, Munich has several mosques where Muslims can perform their daily prayers and connect with their community. These mosques offer a range of services to the Muslim community and are an essential part of the Muslim way of life.

Prayer Times in Munich

Frequently Asked Questions about Prayer, Salah and Adhan times

What is the time of Fajr (Dawn) prayer in Munich (München) today?

The Fajr Salah in Munich (München) today starts at 5:39 am and ends at 7:24 am.

What are the Namaz (Prayer, Salah) times in Munich (München) today?

  • Fajr prayer (Dawn): 5:39 am - 7:24 am
  • Dhuhr salah (Midday): 12:28 pm - 3:05 pm
  • Asr namaz (Afternoon): 3:05 pm - 5:33 pm
  • Maghrib salah (Sunset): 5:33 pm - 7:12 pm
  • Isha prayer (Night): 7:12 pm - 5:39 am

What time does the Adhan (Azan) call start in Munich (München) today?

  • Fajr namaz - 5:39 am
  • Dhuhr prayer - 12:28 pm
  • Asr salah - 3:05 pm
  • Maghrib prayer - 5:33 pm
  • Isha salah - 7:12 pm

When Dhuhr (Noon) time starts in Munich (München) today?

The Dhuhr Prayer in Munich (München) today starts at 12:28 pm

What are the timings of Asr salah in Munich (München) today?

The Asr namaz today starts at 3:05 pm and lasts until 5:33 pm

What time in Munich (München) do the Maghrib starts and ends?

Maghrib salah starts at 5:33 pm and goes out at 7:12 pm

When I can pray Isha (Night) namaz in Munich (München) today:

In Munich (München) the Isha Azan will call at 7:12 pm and the allotted time for Isha prayer will expire at 5:39 am

Qibla Direction for Munich (München), Germany

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