Today: December 5, 2024, 3:31 am

Islamic Prayer Times in Mumbai, India

Calculation Method: University Of Islamic Sciences, Karachi, Juristic settings: Shafii
Change Calculation Settings
5:40 am
6:58 am
12:29 pm
3:38 pm
6:00 pm
7:18 pm
The upcoming prayer is Fajr: 07:39

Namaz timetable for Mumbai

If you want to perform prayers at the right time, this page will help you with that. You will find out when it is the appropriate Salah time in Mumbai , India India — you can check prayer times for your coordinates (19.0759830474854, 72.8776550292969) while on the go. The exact time is calculated based on the position of the Sun in the sky. You can easily change your location using the search bar above.

Prayer Time schedule for Mumbai, India for December 2024

Fajr Shuruq Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
01 5:38 am 6:56 am 12:28 pm 3:37 pm 6:00 pm 7:17 pm
02 5:39 am 6:56 am 12:28 pm 3:37 pm 6:00 pm 7:17 pm
03 5:39 am 6:57 am 12:28 pm 3:38 pm 6:00 pm 7:17 pm
04 5:40 am 6:57 am 12:29 pm 3:38 pm 6:00 pm 7:18 pm
05 5:40 am 6:58 am 12:29 pm 3:38 pm 6:00 pm 7:18 pm
06 5:41 am 6:59 am 12:30 pm 3:38 pm 6:01 pm 7:18 pm
07 5:41 am 6:59 am 12:30 pm 3:39 pm 6:01 pm 7:19 pm
08 5:42 am 7:00 am 12:30 pm 3:39 pm 6:01 pm 7:19 pm
09 5:43 am 7:00 am 12:31 pm 3:39 pm 6:01 pm 7:19 pm
10 5:43 am 7:01 am 12:31 pm 3:40 pm 6:02 pm 7:20 pm
11 5:44 am 7:02 am 12:32 pm 3:40 pm 6:02 pm 7:20 pm
12 5:44 am 7:02 am 12:32 pm 3:40 pm 6:02 pm 7:20 pm
13 5:45 am 7:03 am 12:33 pm 3:41 pm 6:03 pm 7:21 pm
14 5:45 am 7:03 am 12:33 pm 3:41 pm 6:03 pm 7:21 pm
15 5:46 am 7:04 am 12:34 pm 3:42 pm 6:03 pm 7:22 pm
16 5:46 am 7:05 am 12:34 pm 3:42 pm 6:04 pm 7:22 pm
17 5:47 am 7:05 am 12:35 pm 3:42 pm 6:04 pm 7:23 pm
18 5:47 am 7:06 am 12:35 pm 3:43 pm 6:05 pm 7:23 pm
19 5:48 am 7:06 am 12:36 pm 3:43 pm 6:05 pm 7:24 pm
20 5:48 am 7:07 am 12:36 pm 3:44 pm 6:06 pm 7:24 pm
21 5:49 am 7:07 am 12:37 pm 3:44 pm 6:06 pm 7:24 pm
22 5:49 am 7:08 am 12:37 pm 3:45 pm 6:07 pm 7:25 pm
23 5:50 am 7:08 am 12:38 pm 3:45 pm 6:07 pm 7:25 pm
24 5:50 am 7:09 am 12:38 pm 3:46 pm 6:08 pm 7:26 pm
25 5:51 am 7:09 am 12:39 pm 3:46 pm 6:08 pm 7:27 pm
26 5:51 am 7:10 am 12:39 pm 3:47 pm 6:09 pm 7:27 pm
27 5:52 am 7:10 am 12:40 pm 3:47 pm 6:09 pm 7:28 pm
28 5:52 am 7:10 am 12:40 pm 3:48 pm 6:10 pm 7:28 pm
29 5:53 am 7:11 am 12:41 pm 3:49 pm 6:11 pm 7:29 pm
30 5:53 am 7:11 am 12:41 pm 3:49 pm 6:11 pm 7:29 pm
31 5:53 am 7:11 am 12:42 pm 3:50 pm 6:12 pm 7:30 pm

On our portal you will find a timetable for all prayers in the city of Mumbai: dawn, morning, noon, afternoon, evening and night prayers. Using our site, you will not miss the beginning of prayer in Mumbai, you will always know how much time you have left before the next prayer.
With the help of the site you can easily determine the exact time of the namaz in Mumbai today. The time range is extremely wide – you can find out the time for today, for tomorrow or for the whole month of the current year. All the information provided was obtained using several methods for calculating the time of namaz.

Namaz time for today in the city of Mumbai

Find updated Fajr, Dhuhur, Asr, Maghrib namaz time and Isha timing. Today Mumbai Prayer Timings on any location in the Mumbai, India.

The main purpose of the service is to inform the residents of the city of Mumbai about the beginning and end of the daily prayer.
Since the times of the righteous predecessors, Muslims determine time for prayers based on the sun. The sun, moving across the sky, causes the shadows of objects on earth to change.
People have learned to determine time by the length of these shadows. But what to do if you find yourself in a confined space (office, train, plane), and you do not have the opportunity to determine the time of namaz by the sun?
As in many other situations, modern technologies will help. Nowadays, Muslims have access to a detailed and precise schedule, which indicates the prayer time for the city of Mumbai.
Islam is a living, practical religion, which is currently practiced by about 1.5 billion people on Earth. A modern Muslim does not have to monitor the movements of the sun daily. If a Muslim cannot determine the time of prayer for one reason or another, then it is enough to use our service. Not everyone has the opportunity to observe the Sunrise and Sunset on their own and not everyone knows how to determine the time of the onset of prayers based on the shadow of objects.

Prayer time in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Mosque Masjid Haji Ali Dargah, Mumbai.

Monthly prayer timetable in Mumbai

Another advantage of our service is providing a timetable for prayers in Mumbai for the whole month. Using the exact schedule, you do not miss the time of prayer, insha Allah.

Every believer should remember that Namaz is the basis of Islam, one of its key pillars. The
manifestation of constancy in the affairs of religion and the regularity of prayers are extremely
important to us.

Frequently Asked Questions about Prayer, Salah and Adhan times

What is the time of Fajr (Dawn) prayer in Mumbai today?

The Fajr Salah in Mumbai today starts at 5:40 am and ends at 6:58 am.

What are the Namaz (Prayer, Salah) times in Mumbai today?

  • Fajr prayer (Dawn): 5:40 am - 6:58 am
  • Dhuhr salah (Midday): 12:29 pm - 3:38 pm
  • Asr namaz (Afternoon): 3:38 pm - 6:00 pm
  • Maghrib salah (Sunset): 6:00 pm - 7:18 pm
  • Isha prayer (Night): 7:18 pm - 5:40 am

What time does the Adhan (Azan) call start in Mumbai today?

  • Fajr namaz - 5:40 am
  • Dhuhr prayer - 12:29 pm
  • Asr salah - 3:38 pm
  • Maghrib prayer - 6:00 pm
  • Isha salah - 7:18 pm

When Dhuhr (Noon) time starts in Mumbai today?

The Dhuhr Prayer in Mumbai today starts at 12:29 pm

What are the timings of Asr salah in Mumbai today?

The Asr namaz today starts at 3:38 pm and lasts until 6:00 pm

What time in Mumbai do the Maghrib starts and ends?

Maghrib salah starts at 6:00 pm and goes out at 7:18 pm

When I can pray Isha (Night) namaz in Mumbai today:

In Mumbai the Isha Azan will call at 7:18 pm and the allotted time for Isha prayer will expire at 5:40 am

Qibla Direction for Mumbai, India

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