Does God exist? 4 axioms proving the existence of God

April 25, 2024
Reading Time: 10 mins

Here are some conclusive evidences of the existence of God, the Most High Creator of people, all things and life. We would immediately like to point out that the words Verity, Axiom, Fact, Truth are synonyms in this article.

“[He is] Originator of the heavens and the earth..” (Qur’an, 6:101)

“Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?” (Qur’an, 21:30)

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4 axioms proving the existence of God

1. The first axiom proving the existence of Almighty God is the axiom of prime causes.

Our universe is based on many physical laws, such as the law of universal gravitation, Ohm’s law, the law of friction, Newton’s law and etc. If you pick up a thing and let it go, it will immediately fall to the ground. But did this object itself establish it would be attracted to the surface of the Earth, or did the Earth establish the law of gravity? Or maybe some third person has established the law of gravity for the Earth and all objects? Similarly, you can give an example with all the other physical laws of our universe. Who established all these laws? Our axiom states: “If there are laws, then there must be one who established them.” After all, laws cannot establish themselves. The question arises: who established all these laws of the universe? And the only correct answer is God, the Creator of all things, Earth, Heaven and life.

2. The second axiom proves the very existence of God. It is called the axiom of orderliness.

For example, you came home and saw a terrible mess: wallpaper is ripped off, the TV is cracked, books are scattered, the computer is not turning on. Of course, you will be scared and leave a house. After a while, you return home and see everything is as before – wallpapers, the computer and the TV are brand new and books are on a bookshelf. The question arises: could everything come to order on its own? The axiom states: if there is order, then there is one who establishes it. Now let’s look into our organism. Is there any order in it, or is everything functioning randomly? The heart contracts its muscle at certain time intervals, and the blood flows orderly through the arteries and veins. And what if you look at the sky? Every celestial object is in its right place. The whole universe lives in complete order! Therefore, a reasonable question arises: who established this order and brought harmony into all celestial bodies and what is inside them? The only reasonable answer is the right one – God.

3. The third axiom proving the existence of the Creator is the axiom of trace.

Just as a car leaves traces on a snowy road, so someone’s activity leaves its own. Music is a trace of the composer’s work, a picture – an artist’s, a book – writer’s, a computer – engineer’s, who put a lot of work into his creation. So the third axiom, proving the existence of God, states: “If there is a trace, then there is certainly one who left it! Track never appears by itself”. All things are the trace of the Creator!

4. Finally, the fourth, most interesting axiom, which is called the axiom of limitation.

Our mind is structured to understand the essence of three things: a man, the created world and life, so we understand the universe through these three parameters. What is a human, life and the whole world? Man is very limited, as he needs food, water, sleep and warmth. Even life is a limited time period for every living creature. All things, Heaven and Earth are also limited. Life is limited, man is limited, all material and non-material worlds are also limited. The fourth axiom states: “Limited things and objects are not able to limit themselves. Someone limited them and set boundaries for them that they cannot go beyond.” So again the question arises: who has limited all this things? There is only one correct and reasonable answer – this is the Lord God, who is not limited at all.

Video – The Purpose of Creation by Mufti Menk

Creation of all things, heaven and earth.

What was the purpose of creation? Why are we here? Mufti Menk answers this all important question during his inspirational lecture series “Purpose of Creation” held at Fanar – Qatar Islamic Cultural Center on 11th – 12th May 2013.

Statements of modern scholars and researchers about God

“The best data we have are exactly what I would have predicted had I nothing to go on but the five books of Moses, the Psalms, the Bible as a whole, in that the universe appears to have order and purpose.”
Arno Penzias (b. 1933)

American physicist and Nobel Laureate

“The book of nature which we have to read is written by the finger of God.”

Michael Faraday (d. 1867)

“Religion and science demand for their foundation faith in God. For the former (religion), God stands foremost; for the latter (science), at the end of all thought, For religion He represents a basis; for science, a crowning solution towards a world view.”

Max Planck (d. 1947)

“The most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.”

Isaac Newton (d. 1727)

“I want to know how God created this world, I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts, the rest are details.” “The human mind is not capable of grasping the Universe. We are like a little child entering a huge library. The walls are covered to the ceilings with books in many different tongues. The child knows that someone must have written these books. It does not know who or how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. But the child notes a definite plan in the arrangement of the books… a mysterious order which it does not comprehend, but only dimly suspects.”
“My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds. That deeply emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God.”

Albert Einstein (d. 1955)

“I am a scientist and a believer, and I find no conflict between those world views. …and neither apparently do the 40 percent of working scientists who claim to be believers [in a personal God].”

Francis Collins (b. 1950)

“In the last few years astronomy has come together so that we’re now able to tell a coherent story [of how the universe began]…This story does not contradict God, but instead enlarges [the idea of] God.”

Joel Primack

“As the depth of our insight into the wonderful works of God increases, the stronger are our feelings of awe and veneration in contemplating them and in endeavoring to approach their Author…So will he [the earnest student] by his studies and successive acquirements be led through nature up to nature’s God.”

William Lord Kelvin (d. 1907)

“When I tell a young person: Look, there is a new star, a galaxy, a neutron star 100 million light-years away, yet the protons, electrons; neutrons and mesons which are found there are identical with those which are found in this microphone…Identity excludes probability. That which is identical is not probable…Therefore there is a cause, outside of space, outside of time, the master of being, which made being to be in this way. And this is God…”
“The being – I am speaking scientifically – which has caused things to be identical at a distance of billions of light-years, exists. And the number of identical particles in the universe is 10 raised to the 85th power…Do we wish then to take in the song of the Galaxies? If I were Francis of Assisi I would say: O Galaxies of the immense heavens, give praise to my Lord, for He is omnipotent and good. O atoms, O protons, O electrons, O bird-songs, O blowing of the leaves and of the air, in the hands of man as a prayer, sing out the hymn which returns to God!

Enrico Medi, chair of geophysics, University of Palermo

“While…media attention goes to the strident atheists who claim religion is foolish superstition, and to the equally clamorous religious creationists who deny the clear evidence for cosmic and biological evolution, a majority of the people I know have no difficulty accepting scientific knowledge and holding to religious faith.”
“…Why do I believe in God? As a physicist, I look at nature from a particular perspective. I see an orderly, beautiful universe in which nearly all physical phenomena can be understood from a few simple mathematical equations. I see a universe that, had it been constructed slightly differently, would never have given birth to stars and planets, let alone bacteria and people. And there is no good scientific reason for why the universe should not have been different.”
“Many good scientists have concluded from these observations that an intelligent God must have chosen to create the universe with such beautiful, simple, and life-giving properties. Many other equally good scientists are nevertheless atheists. Both conclusions are positions of faith…I find these arguments suggestive and supportive of belief in God, but not conclusive. I believe in God because I can feel God’s presence in my life, because I can see the evidence of God’s goodness in the world, because I believe in Love and because I believe that God is Love.”

William D. Phillips, a Nobel Laureate in physics

“To find the metaphysical beliefs…governing scientific research…it would have been enough to speak of one belief, the belief in a personal rational Creator. It was this belief, as cultivated especially within a Christian matrix, which supported the [scientific] view for which the world was an objective and orderly entity investigable by the mind because the mind too was an orderly and objective product of the same rational, that is, perfectly consistent Creator.

Dr. Stanley Jaki, Templeton Prize winner

“I find it quite improbable that such order came out of chaos. There has to be some organizing principle. God to me is a mystery but is the explanation for the miracle of existence, why there is something instead of nothing.”

Allan Sandage (b. 1926), winner of the Crawford Prize in Astronomy

“We are, by astronomical standards, a pampered, cosseted, cherished group of creatures….If the Universe had not been made with the most exacting precision we could never have come into existence. It is my view that these circumstances indicate the universe was created for man to live in.”

John O’Keefe (d. 2000), NASA astronomer

“I find it as difficult to understand a scientist who does not acknowledge the presence of a superior rationality behind the existence of the universe as it is to comprehend a theologians who would deny the advances of science. And there is certainly no scientific reason why God cannot retain the same relevance in our modern world that He held before we began probing His creation with telescope, cyclotron, and space vehicles.”
“Can a physicist visualize an electron? The electron is materially inconceivable, and yet it is so perfectly known through its effects that we use it to illuminate our cities, guide our airlines through the night skies, and take the most accurate measurements. What strange rationale makes some physicists accept the inconceivable electron as real, while refusing to accept the reality of God on the ground that they cannot conceive him?”
“My relationship with God is very personal. I think you can be on first name terms with Him, you know, and tell Him what your troubles are, and ask for help. I do it all the time and it works for me.”

Werhner von Braun, NASA engineer and scientist.

  • December 26, 2019 at 4:57 pm

    Creation of all things, heaven and earth.
