Today: December 11, 2024, 1:54 am

Islamic Prayer Times in Edmonton, Canada

Calculation Method: Islamic Society of North America, Juristic settings: Shafii
Change Calculation Settings
6:51 am
8:41 am
The upcoming prayer is Dhuhr: 20:34
12:28 pm
1:59 pm
4:14 pm
6:04 pm

Namaz timetable for Edmonton

If you want to perform prayers at the right time, this page will help you with that. You will find out when it is the appropriate Salah time in Edmonton , Canada Canada — you can check prayer times for your coordinates (53.5443878173828, -113.490928649902) while on the go. The exact time is calculated based on the position of the Sun in the sky. You can easily change your location using the search bar above.

Prayer Time schedule for Edmonton, Canada for December 2024

Fajr Shuruq Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
01 6:40 am 8:28 am 12:23 pm 2:01 pm 4:18 pm 6:06 pm
02 6:42 am 8:30 am 12:24 pm 2:00 pm 4:17 pm 6:05 pm
03 6:43 am 8:31 am 12:24 pm 2:00 pm 4:17 pm 6:05 pm
04 6:44 am 8:32 am 12:24 pm 2:00 pm 4:16 pm 6:05 pm
05 6:45 am 8:34 am 12:25 pm 1:59 pm 4:16 pm 6:04 pm
06 6:46 am 8:35 am 12:25 pm 1:59 pm 4:15 pm 6:04 pm
07 6:47 am 8:36 am 12:26 pm 1:59 pm 4:15 pm 6:04 pm
08 6:48 am 8:37 am 12:26 pm 1:59 pm 4:15 pm 6:04 pm
09 6:49 am 8:39 am 12:27 pm 1:59 pm 4:14 pm 6:04 pm
10 6:50 am 8:40 am 12:27 pm 1:59 pm 4:14 pm 6:04 pm
11 6:51 am 8:41 am 12:28 pm 1:59 pm 4:14 pm 6:04 pm
12 6:52 am 8:42 am 12:28 pm 1:59 pm 4:14 pm 6:04 pm
13 6:53 am 8:43 am 12:29 pm 1:59 pm 4:14 pm 6:04 pm
14 6:54 am 8:44 am 12:29 pm 1:59 pm 4:14 pm 6:04 pm
15 6:54 am 8:45 am 12:29 pm 1:59 pm 4:14 pm 6:04 pm
16 6:55 am 8:45 am 12:30 pm 2:00 pm 4:14 pm 6:05 pm
17 6:56 am 8:46 am 12:30 pm 2:00 pm 4:15 pm 6:05 pm
18 6:56 am 8:47 am 12:31 pm 2:00 pm 4:15 pm 6:05 pm
19 6:57 am 8:47 am 12:31 pm 2:01 pm 4:15 pm 6:06 pm
20 6:57 am 8:48 am 12:32 pm 2:01 pm 4:16 pm 6:06 pm
21 6:58 am 8:49 am 12:32 pm 2:02 pm 4:16 pm 6:07 pm
22 6:58 am 8:49 am 12:33 pm 2:02 pm 4:17 pm 6:07 pm
23 6:59 am 8:49 am 12:33 pm 2:03 pm 4:18 pm 6:08 pm
24 6:59 am 8:50 am 12:34 pm 2:03 pm 4:18 pm 6:09 pm
25 7:00 am 8:50 am 12:34 pm 2:04 pm 4:19 pm 6:09 pm
26 7:00 am 8:50 am 12:35 pm 2:05 pm 4:20 pm 6:10 pm
27 7:00 am 8:50 am 12:35 pm 2:05 pm 4:21 pm 6:11 pm
28 7:00 am 8:50 am 12:36 pm 2:06 pm 4:22 pm 6:12 pm
29 7:00 am 8:50 am 12:36 pm 2:07 pm 4:23 pm 6:12 pm
30 7:01 am 8:50 am 12:37 pm 2:08 pm 4:24 pm 6:13 pm
31 7:01 am 8:50 am 12:37 pm 2:09 pm 4:25 pm 6:14 pm

Namaz and Salah in Edmonton

Namaz, also known as Salah, is the Islamic prayer performed five times a day by Muslims. It is a way for Muslims to connect with Allah and seek his guidance and blessings. In Edmonton, Canada, there are several mosques where Muslims can perform their daily prayers.

Muslim Mosques in Edmonton

1. Al-Rashid Mosque: Located at 13070 113 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5E 5A8, Al-Rashid Mosque is the largest mosque in Edmonton. It is open to both men and women and provides facilities for prayer, education, and community events. You can contact the mosque at (780) 451-6694.

2. Rahma Mosque: Rahma Mosque is located at 6104 172 St NW, Edmonton, AB T6M 1G9. The mosque provides services for both men and women and offers prayer facilities, educational programs, and community events. You can contact the mosque at (780) 930-4510.

3. Masjid Quba: Masjid Quba is located at 10805 101 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5H 2S7. The mosque provides prayer facilities, educational programs, and community services. It is open to both men and women. You can contact the mosque at (780) 429-0675.

4. Islamic Centre of Edmonton: Located at 14304 134 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T5L 4T4, the Islamic Centre of Edmonton is open to both men and women and provides prayer facilities, education programs, and community events. You can contact the centre at (780) 451-6694.

5. Markaz-ul-Islam: Markaz-ul-Islam is located at 7907 36 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6K 3S6. The mosque provides prayer facilities, educational programs, and community services for both men and women. You can contact the mosque at (780) 450-6170.

In conclusion, Edmonton has a thriving Muslim community that performs daily prayers in various mosques located throughout the city. These mosques provide prayer facilities, education programs, and community services for both men and women. If you are a Muslim in Edmonton looking for a mosque to perform your daily prayers, you can visit any of the above mentioned mosques or contact them for more information.

Islamic Prayer Times in Edmonton

Frequently Asked Questions about Prayer, Salah and Adhan times

What is the time of Fajr (Dawn) prayer in Edmonton today?

The Fajr Salah in Edmonton today starts at 6:51 am and ends at 8:41 am.

What are the Namaz (Prayer, Salah) times in Edmonton today?

  • Fajr prayer (Dawn): 6:51 am - 8:41 am
  • Dhuhr salah (Midday): 12:28 pm - 1:59 pm
  • Asr namaz (Afternoon): 1:59 pm - 4:14 pm
  • Maghrib salah (Sunset): 4:14 pm - 6:04 pm
  • Isha prayer (Night): 6:04 pm - 6:51 am

What time does the Adhan (Azan) call start in Edmonton today?

  • Fajr namaz - 6:51 am
  • Dhuhr prayer - 12:28 pm
  • Asr salah - 1:59 pm
  • Maghrib prayer - 4:14 pm
  • Isha salah - 6:04 pm

When Dhuhr (Noon) time starts in Edmonton today?

The Dhuhr Prayer in Edmonton today starts at 12:28 pm

What are the timings of Asr salah in Edmonton today?

The Asr namaz today starts at 1:59 pm and lasts until 4:14 pm

What time in Edmonton do the Maghrib starts and ends?

Maghrib salah starts at 4:14 pm and goes out at 6:04 pm

When I can pray Isha (Night) namaz in Edmonton today:

In Edmonton the Isha Azan will call at 6:04 pm and the allotted time for Isha prayer will expire at 6:51 am

Qibla Direction for Edmonton, Canada

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